Flexibility Important in Relationships

Flexibility Important in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: If both partners are motivated to continue the relationship then there are plenty of measures that they can take. There is a lot of timeless wisdom in your book, The Truth About Love. You discuss tips for the neo-traditional model of marriage, which was prevalent at that time and is even more so today. It takes even more forms than when your book first

Therapy Helps Relationships

Therapy Helps Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: That’s so helpful, walking through what strikes people when that happens. It’s really difficult to recover from that. I’m wondering if you’ve seen cases where couples have been able to. Do you believe that trust and faith can be restored? What can be done at that point? Maybe they were in the accidental category. _____   Dr. Pat Love Lots of good books were

Infidelity in All Relationships

Infidelity in All Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: Yes. It is interesting. I think there is an element of us that recognizes that. People come to me and want someone who is happy to begin with. That sets everyone up for success when we find someone who is happy to begin with. I want to switch gears and talk about infidelity. I’m sure you’ve seen it in your practice. What

Discover Relationship Desires

Discover Relationship Desires Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Debi Berndt, author of Let Love In: I found the following words in your book empowering. I’m going to read these words for the benefit of our listeners. “In order to use the law of attraction successfully, you must discover your true inner desire and fulfill that need on your own.” Please tell us about that. _____ Debi Berndt Discover Relationship Desires: Feel Good So many people

Relationship Models of Women

Relationship Models of Women Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Debi Berndt, author of Let Love In: Yes. I think that there is certain energy. It is all tied up with your thoughts. In your book, you share 10 different general categories of relationship models that women tend to fall into. Can you share a couple of them including the false underlying beliefs that are involved? _____   Debi Berndt Relationship Models of Women: He’s Not Good Enough One is the

Prevent Marital Issues: 3 Steps

Prevent Marital Issues: 3 Steps Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: Yes. I say that there really is no substitute for time and interaction with someone. I analogize it to an onion. Don’t be so fast to rush and want to know everything right away. Allow it to be a peeling back the layers of an onion as you get to know someone. When getting to know someone

Early Stages of Relationships

Early Stages of Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: Don’t worry about being the first. You’re not giving anything up. You’re actually enhancing the relationship. I’m sure you’ve seen, the person who starts to do that is not necessarily always the same person. The other person will reciprocate. It shows how the dynamic of a relationship can be changed by just one person taking that step. Even

Fix Communication with Counseling

Fix Communication with Counseling Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: It also helps us to have empathy for our partner. Someone coming at it with anger is one thing. But when you realize that they are feeling hurt or scared, then you can develop a sense of empathy for that. You might think, “Now I want to nurture that a little bit more.” I know that you do

Attachment in Relationships

Attachment in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: What do you think is at the root of the pre-marital problems that you see? _____    Dr. Lisa Bobby When it comes to that very common problem of the pursue/withdraw pattern, it is related to that sense of attachment.   Attachment in Relationships: Glue Attachment is the glue that holds a relationship together. Whenever that attachment is disrupted

Men Want What You Want!

Men Want What You Want! Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Carol Allen: It is the number one reason why the guys didn’t call back after a first date. She uses the term “boss lady.” You’re using the same language. There is no database on each other. Every word and nuance can be taken out of context. Tell me one thing that surprised you. Before you interviewed them, you knew where they were coming from. Was there anything that surprised you