Persistence in Follow-Ups
Persistence in Follow-Ups Caller One asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: Jasbina, thanks so much for your responses. Those were great questions. You mentioned that it’s great to stay in touch with senior executives after your initial meeting. What if you don’t hear back?
Powerful Icebreakers: 4 Tips
Powerful Icebreakers: 4 Tips Aditi Ramchandani asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: That’s a great point. I never thought about that. In terms of sending things of interest, I think that’s really great advice. I’ve tried that before and it’s really well received. You’d
Networking Follow-Ups
Networking Follow-Ups Aditi Ramchandani asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: It’s funny how that happens. I’ve seen it happen before. Thanks for clarifying that. After they meet the senior executive, people usually want to foster that relationship and turn it into something more long
Keep Conversation Professional: How To
Keep Conversation Professional: How To Aditi Ramchandani asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: I have an interesting follow up to the first part of your answer in terms of being prepared. I’ve spoken to senior executives before. Sometimes it could go the wrong way
Approaching Senior Executives: 5 Tips
Approaching Senior Executives: 5 Tips Aditi Ramchandani asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: I really like that last one. It is really powerful. You want to imagine the other person to be the gatekeeper to your destiny. That will allow people to be very
Good First Impression: 4 Tips
Good First Impression: 4 Tips Aditi Ramchandani asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: We’re so happy to have you. Jasbina, I know that nowadays networking has become quite a popular buzzword. People are realizing the importance and the power of networking in today’s world.
Take The Relationship Offline
Take The Relationship Offline Jaki Sabourin asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: I have a question about the strategy. You’ve created your profile. You have your pictures. You’re being authentic in how you’re talking about yourself. What’s the process from that point? Do you
[VIDEO] NetIP Conference – Breaking The Mold Panel
[VIDEO] NetIP Conference - Breaking The Mold Panel NetIP Conference SF - Dare To Be You: Jasbina Ahluwalia participates on the 'Dare To Break The Mold' panel with Rajiv Satyal & Ravi Kapur. Female Announcer (0:10): “Dare