About Jasbina Ahluwalia

The uniqueness of Intersections Match comes from the life experiences of its Founder, Jasbina Ahluwalia. As a former practicing lawyer who also holds a graduate degree in philosophy, Jasbina can relate first-hand to the demands and challenges facing her accomplished clients.

Go Away Guy Red Flags

Go Away Guy Red Flags Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Catherine Cardinal, author of, Men to Run From: So You Can Find the Right One to Run to: You qualified at the beginning that this is one of the prototypes where the things to do are limited. What are some questions to ask yourself or things to do if you do find yourself in a relationship with a guy like this? _____ Dr. Catherine

Go Away Guy: Who Is He?

C’mere Go Away Guy: Who Is He? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Catherine Cardinal, author of, Men to Run From: So You Can Find the Right One to Run to: I love that. In your book, you shared 20 different prototypes of guys whose behavior and traits are likely to pose substantial challenges to forming long-lasting and fulfilling relationships. What’s great is that, for each of the 20 prototypes discussed in the book, you

Divorce Normal in America: Is It?

Divorce Normal in America: Is It? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: That’s interesting. It’s a family values aspect. Are there any assumptions or notions that people make about Indian women whether they’re born and raised here or in India? _____   Lorii Abela Is Divorce Normal in America? Not in India! From what I’ve heard, once you have been divorced, people look at you

Indian Women Want Indian Men!

Indian Women Want Indian Men! Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: Thank you, Lorii. Are there any preconceived notions regarding Indians or South Asians from the Southeast Asian perspective, such as Chinese, Korean or Filipino? Are there any notions as to expectations based on someone being Indian or South Asian? _____   Lorii Abela Thank you for asking. I have a lot of Southeast Indian

Happiness Attracts The One

Happiness Attracts The One Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: This is instead of getting attached to an outcome right away. We can get into online situations where we’re communicating via phone or email. We haven’t met someone. It’s almost like a fantasy. We could potentially be projecting things on that person. We can get lulled into thinking that we’re in a relationship. It can

Women Push in Relationships

Women Push in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: You have a whole chapter of juicy secrets to dating for ex-pats. You have five secrets. Would you share the fifth one with our listeners? That is to let things happen. You mentioned before how women who are ex-pats might be seeing a guy. He thinks they’re friends and she thinks he’s her boyfriend. It’s

Dating Ex-Patriates: Tips

Dating Ex-Patriates: Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: Based on your experience, both personal and professional, for locals who want to pursue a relationship with an Asian ex-pat, what tips or cultural insights can you share with our listeners? _____   Lorii Abela Dating Ex-Patriates: Ex-Pats Socialize You have to remember that all of these people who are ex-patriates usually hang out together. Let’s

Learn Local Dating Customs

Learn Local Dating Customs Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: On one hand, you’re dealing with the basics for the ex-pat. Then, how is the ex-pat received? Are people looking at the ex-pat and making assumptions on their values based on the fact that they are an ex-pat? This may or may not be true. We all walk around with these ideas of what it

Ex-Patriate Dating Concerns

Ex-Patriate Dating Concerns Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: I think those are great points. I agree in terms of the picture. Physical attraction certainly opens the doors. There is no question about that. But if there is nothing under the hood there, guys want more than that. It’s the same with women. Substance is very important to commitment-minded guys. I agree with what you