About Jasbina Ahluwalia

The uniqueness of Intersections Match comes from the life experiences of its Founder, Jasbina Ahluwalia. As a former practicing lawyer who also holds a graduate degree in philosophy, Jasbina can relate first-hand to the demands and challenges facing her accomplished clients.

Tools to Happiness

Tools to Happiness Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: Action comes before motivation. That applies to confidence, too. You need to make a commitment to that. Doing something and seeing your ability to do it and get to the other side of it comes before having that confidence. What would you tell someone who really wants to be their best, but struggles? They struggle with depression or anxiety. What would you tell that person?

Great Love Debate – Orange County (Los Angeles)

Great Love Debate - Orange County (Los Angeles) In Partnership with [OTHER CITIES where Jasbina is a panelist -> JASBINA'S GREAT LOVE DEBATE NATIONAL TOUR] _____ 200 of Denver's most dynamic SINGLE WOMEN.  200 of its most ELIGIBLE BACHELORS. Seated on opposite sides; brought together for one special night to answer one simple question at the The Great Love Debate: WHY IS EVERYONE STILL SINGLE? On March 25th at Port Theatre in Corona Del Mar...we

Physical Health: 3 Tips

Physical Health: 3 Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: Let’s switch gears to physical health. What are your top three tips for someone who wants to achieve physical health with a healthy, fit body? _____   Heather Hans The basics are eating a balanced whole foods organic diet.   Physical Health: Space Out Meals You need to let there be some space between your meals. That gives your body time to rest, digest

Find Your Soulmate: Tips

Find Your Soulmate: Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: I agree with you. We start internally on that path to finding a soulmate and attaining a happy relationship. Do you have any other insights for someone who wants to meet their soulmate and have a happy, romantic relationship? _____   Heather Hans Find Your Soulmate: No Formula I believe that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for meeting the right partner. Don’t ever compare yourself to

Everything is a Relationship

Everything is a Relationship Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: I understand you believe that everything in life boils down to relationships. Tell us what you mean by that. _____   Heather Hans Everything is a Relationship: Examples Every single thing in this universe is in relationship with something else in order to function. You can look at the earth orbiting around the sun. You can look at the human body and all of the

Surrender: Something Will Come

Surrender: Something Will Come Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: What would you say to someone who feels that he or she has taken all the right steps to achieve their desires but still doesn’t feel like they’ve quite attained what they want? _____   Heather Hans Surrender: Receptive State If someone honestly feels like they have done the work and worked really hard to achieve their desires

Stress Causes Poor Health

Stress Causes Poor Health Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: You talked about being in a loving emotional state. Often, a lot of physical health problems stem from a person’s emotional state. Can you tell us about that? What are some examples where you see the physical manifestation of not being well due to an emotional state? _____   Heather Hans Stress Causes Poor Health: Physical Problem A stressed emotional state can cause virtually

Love Brings Out Best in You

Love Brings Out Best in You Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: It all comes together. Like you said, if you have that confidence in life itself, that’s your filter. You will seize those opportunities to resolve. It’s aligned with your belief that everything is resolvable. This show is all about becoming the best version of our authentic selves. What is your best tip who really want to be the best version of themselves?

Self-Love: Power to Heal

Self-Love: Power to Heal Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: That is really profound. I see that all the time when working with clients. I think we’re evidence seekers. Our beliefs are co-creating our realities. If that is one’s world view, that is going to filter everything around us. You said that self-love will heal the world. Tell us about that. That’s a lofty statement. I agree with you. _____   Heather Hans Self-Love: Power to Heal

Build Relationship on Faith

Build Relationship on Faith Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Heather Hans, author of The Heart of Self-Love: It’s also a lot like faith, in terms of having faith in life and yourself. I can see how confidence would be so important and fundamental to the well-being of health and relationships. How does a lack of self-confidence eat away at health and relationships? _____   Heather Hans Relationship on Faith: Don’t Test Faith I love how you said “faith.” It is faith.