Learn About Yourself: It’s Important

Learn About Yourself: It’s Important Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: Right, absolutely. I have a final quote. The reason I selected this one is because I think it brings home everything we’re talking about in terms of elemental psychology. You say, “People lack perspective about what they need because they are entrenched in habitual ways of seeing themselves and the world. But elemental psychology can help us

Partner Interaction: How to Improve

Partner Interaction: How to Improve Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: What else is interesting about your book, Elemental Love Styles, is that you have dialogue between people throughout the book exhibiting different elemental styles, and staying true to their elemental self, you suggest ways to improve the way they interact with their partners. Similarly, you have questions that you field from people where your answers suggest, “From

Self-Discovery Through Relationships

Self-Discovery From Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: That brings us to part four of your book, which shares with the readers how greater self-discovery and intimacy in a relationship can help readers achieve their highest potential as individuals. I’d like to share with our listeners one insight from this part of your book and then have you expand on it. Self-Discovery For A Long-Lasting Relationship You

Perfect Elemental Love Style Pairing

Perfect Elemental Love Style Pairing Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: Part three of your book allows readers to compare their own elemental styles to those of their partners. It further allows readers to identify the greatest strengths and challenges of each particular elemental pairing. Can you share some of the examples of the strengths and challenges for different elemental pairings? _____ Dr. Craig Martin I like part

Intimacy Brings Inner Change

Intimacy Brings Inner Change Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: Part two of your book looks at how to create a happy, healthy relationship as well as provides intimacy skills to help readers work through problem areas with their partners. I found one of the insights shared in this section of your book particularly compelling. I viewed it as empowering. Intimacy Brings Inner Change: Dynamic Inner Growth (DIG)

Elemental Love Style: What’s Yours?

Elemental Love Style: What’s Yours? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of Elemental Love Styles: It’s a pleasure to have you. As a professional dating coach and matchmaker, I’m fascinated by insights and perspectives regarding relationships. I’ve enjoyed reading your book, Elemental Love Styles and would love to explore some of the insights shared in your book. Dr. Martin, you describe your book as a process of self-discovery divided into four parts.

Dr. Craig Martin Interview – Find Compatibility and Create a Lasting Relationship

Dr. Craig Martin Interview - Find Compatibility and Create a Lasting Relationship “Elemental Love Styles: Find Compatibility and Create a Lasting Relationship” Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Craig Martin A few topics Dr. Craig Martin addresses in this interview are: (1:44)     Elemental Love Style: What’s Yours? (4:31)     Intimacy Brings Inner Change (7:01)     Perfect Elemental Love Style Pairing (14:57)   Self-Discovery Through Relationships (20:59)  Partner Interaction: How to Improve (29:38)  Learn About Yourself: It’s Important _____