Know What You Want: Dating

Before you set your deal breakers in stone, take a moment for introspection. Ask yourself if these deal breakers reflect your values, priorities, and emotional needs, rather than the expectations of others. It's crucial to distinguish between what truly matters to you and what might be influenced by societal pressures or past experiences. This self-awareness will help you create a list that is both meaningful and practical. Know What

Personalities To Avoid: Dating

Commitment-minded individuals often gravitate towards selective partners with high standards. However, maintaining a realistic perspective is vital. Consider what imperfections you can tolerate in a partner and what they will have to accept in you. This mutual understanding fosters a balanced approach to deal breakers, ensuring they serve as protective measures rather than barriers. Personalities To Avoid: Dating Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black, author of in Modern Love: The

Perks of Online Dating

Deal breakers are essential in defining what you want and need in a relationship. They help you filter out incompatible matches, saving time and emotional energy. However, not all deal breakers are created equal. Some reflect deep-seated values and emotional needs, while others might be superficial preferences influenced by societal expectations. Understanding the difference is crucial for meaningful connections. Perks of Online Dating Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black, author

Online Dating Precautions

Striking the right balance between having standards and being open to potential matches is a journey of self-awareness and practical wisdom. By carefully selecting your deal breakers and reflecting on your own values and needs, you can navigate the complexities of dating with confidence. Remember, the goal is to find a partner who aligns with your core values while being flexible enough to embrace their imperfections. So, go on that date

Identify Relationship Baggage

Identify Relationship Baggage Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black, author of in Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating: It’s about awareness. Maybe someone knows that they have some relationship baggage but they’re not quite clear on what it is. It’s hard for them to pinpoint and identify it. How do you help someone identify their baggage? _____   Cija Black Identify Relationship Baggage: Patterns You want to look at how

Relationship Baggage: What Is It?

Relationship Baggage: What Is It? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black, author of in Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating: I completely agree in terms of those precautions. Someone who is having difficulty with boundaries in online dating will find that pretty much every other avenue can be challenging. It’s worth investing in figuring out your boundaries when you’re looking for a sustainable, serious relationship. Earlier, you mentioned relationship baggage.

Communication is Key: Relationships

One of the most common deal breakers that should be non-negotiable is communication. As Cija Black, author of 'Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating,' points out, communication is critical for the success of any relationship. Without it, flexibility and growth become impossible. Black shares her personal story of how the lack of communication in her first marriage was a deal breaker that led her to prioritize this

Ready to Date?

While having high standards is commendable, it's also important to maintain a balance. Consider what imperfections you can tolerate in a partner, keeping in mind your own fallibilities. This realistic perspective will help you identify deal breakers that are essential versus those that might be more flexible. Remember, no one is perfect, and understanding this can lead to more meaningful connections. Ready to Date? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black,

Take Charge of Love Life

Finding the right balance between holding on to your deal breakers and remaining open to potential matches is a journey of self-awareness and introspection. By understanding the importance of your deal breakers, taking charge of your love life, and balancing your standards with openness, you can navigate the complexities of relationships with confidence. Remember, the right partner is out there, and by mastering your deal breakers, you're one step closer to

Cija Black Interview – Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating

Cija Black Interview - Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating “Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to  Relationships & Online Dating” Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Cija Black   Dating and relationship expert Cija (kee-yah) Black is a writer, blogger, speaker, webinar presenter and coach dedicated to helping people sort their relationship baggage, and find real love both on and offline. After years using personal ads in newspapers and online dating sites,