[VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight – Here’s Why It Could Be Possible

  [VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight - Here's Why It Could Be Possible The debate continues ... Is love at first sight really a thing? In the video above, SVP of YourTango Experts Melanie Gorman, relationship and communications expert Fiona Fine, author and relationship coach Gregg Michaelsen, matchmaker and dating coach Jasbina Ahluwalia and biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, Ph.D. say that there's still no definitive answer to this romantic mystery. Why? Because many people haven't

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE – 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE - 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One Swoon! Every relationship needs romance to thrive, but you don't need to be hopeless romantic in order to instill this into their relationships. Many people, especially men, believe that they aren't the "romantic type" because they don't feel like comfortable making huge romantic gestures and pronouncing their love to the world. But romance is WAY more than that. Need some romance tips? YourTango's Senior VP Melanie Gorman, Divorce Coach Dr.

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal)

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal) The brutal truth ... Many women have this similar experience with the men. The relationship is going incredibly well — it's exciting, and you're loving the time together. Then, seemingly out of the blue, you feel a distance. You're certainly not the one creating it, so it must be your man, right? You'll be surprised to hear that this is actually quite common behavior between

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship This behavior isn't normal. And it isn't right, either. We've all had that one relationship that left us feeling more emotionally drained than satisfied. No matter how hard we try to make things work, nothing is enough. Even though you love your boyfriend and can't picture yourself without him, things have been super tense between you. He doesn't treat

[VIDEO] How to Deal With Rejection

[VIDEO] How to Deal With Rejection YourTango Experts – Matchmakers Paul C. Brunson, Peggy Wolman, Jasbina Ahluwalia, Michelle Jacoby, and Marla Martenson on Dealing with Unrequited Love. Check out the video above to learn about 'How to Deal With Rejection?' _____ Paul Carrick Brunson (00:19): We’ve all had clients with challenges. I think one of the hardest challenges I’ve ever faced being a matchmaker is having a client fall in love

[VIDEO] 7 Tips To Nail Your First Date

[VIDEO] 7 Tips To Nail Your First Date Trying to shake off our nerves that just won't seem to go away as we get ready for a first date is pretty hard (not to mention SUPER frustrating). From figuring out what to wear to where we should meet up, jumping right into the dating field sometimes feels way more complicated than it should be. It doesn't matter if we're

[VIDEO] How Soon to Text After a First Date

[VIDEO] How Soon to Text After a First Date YourTango Experts – Matchmakers Paul C. Brunson, Peggy Wolman, Jasbina Ahluwalia, Michelle Jacoby, and Marla Martenson on Do You Text Immediately After a First Date? Check out the video above to learn about 'How Soon to Text After a First Date?' _____ Paul Carrick Brunson (00:10): Let’s say that you’ve gone on this great first date, or at least you perceive

[VIDEO] Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger’s Myths Debunked

[VIDEO] Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger's Myths Debunked YourTango Experts – Matchmakers Paul C. Brunson, Peggy Wolman, Jasbina Ahluwalia, Michelle Jacoby, and Marla Martenson debunking Myths of Patti Stanger’s Millionaire Matchmaker. Check out the video above to learn about 'Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger's Myths Debunked.' _____ Paul Carrick Brunson (00:24): Ladies, you really look good. We are all matchmakers. That’s what we have in common. We know that Patti Stanger, the

[VIDEO] Tips For No More Sucky First Dates EVER Again (& A Second & Third)

[VIDEO] Tips For No More Sucky First Dates EVER Again (& A Second & Third) If we could just bottle up the ingredients for the perfect date, we'd pretty much be set for life. We think it's safe to say that everyone has had that one dating experience that was so terrible that it made them want to swear off from going on dates ever again. We know that

[VIDEO] Tips for Success from Matchmaking Clients

[VIDEO] Tips for Success from Matchmaking Clients If You're Serious About Finding Love, You've Got To Do This. THIS will bring you one step closer to finding the one. Even though there are so many ways to meet people, finding love these days is harder than ever. Seriously, who has the time to go out to different places on the off chance that you will stumble into the perfect