Seek Therapy for Communication

Seek Therapy for Communication Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: What one begins with is not what one needs to end with. That is very important. What are some of the most common reasons that you believe people seek couples counseling? What are some of the patterns that you see? _____    Dr. Pat Love Seek Therapy for Communication: “No Communication” The most common reason why people

The Stage of Falling in Love

The Stage of Falling in Love Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: I know that our listeners are excited to hear your insights from your wealth of experience and expertise. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book, The Truth About Love. In your book, you discuss in depth the various stages of love. I’m hoping you can identify those different stages and share some insights regarding those stages

[VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight – Here’s Why It Could Be Possible

  [VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight - Here's Why It Could Be Possible The debate continues ... Is love at first sight really a thing? In the video above, SVP of YourTango Experts Melanie Gorman, relationship and communications expert Fiona Fine, author and relationship coach Gregg Michaelsen, matchmaker and dating coach Jasbina Ahluwalia and biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, Ph.D. say that there's still no definitive answer to this romantic mystery. Why? Because many people haven't

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE – 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE - 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One Swoon! Every relationship needs romance to thrive, but you don't need to be hopeless romantic in order to instill this into their relationships. Many people, especially men, believe that they aren't the "romantic type" because they don't feel like comfortable making huge romantic gestures and pronouncing their love to the world. But romance is WAY more than that. Need some romance tips? YourTango's Senior VP Melanie Gorman, Divorce Coach Dr.

Relationship Models of Women

Relationship Models of Women Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Debi Berndt, author of Let Love In: Yes. I think that there is certain energy. It is all tied up with your thoughts. In your book, you share 10 different general categories of relationship models that women tend to fall into. Can you share a couple of them including the false underlying beliefs that are involved? _____   Debi Berndt Relationship Models of Women: He’s Not Good Enough One is the

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal)

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal) The brutal truth ... Many women have this similar experience with the men. The relationship is going incredibly well — it's exciting, and you're loving the time together. Then, seemingly out of the blue, you feel a distance. You're certainly not the one creating it, so it must be your man, right? You'll be surprised to hear that this is actually quite common behavior between

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship This behavior isn't normal. And it isn't right, either. We've all had that one relationship that left us feeling more emotionally drained than satisfied. No matter how hard we try to make things work, nothing is enough. Even though you love your boyfriend and can't picture yourself without him, things have been super tense between you. He doesn't treat

Prevent Marital Issues: 3 Steps

Prevent Marital Issues: 3 Steps Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: Yes. I say that there really is no substitute for time and interaction with someone. I analogize it to an onion. Don’t be so fast to rush and want to know everything right away. Allow it to be a peeling back the layers of an onion as you get to know someone. When getting to know someone

Early Stages of Relationships

Early Stages of Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: Don’t worry about being the first. You’re not giving anything up. You’re actually enhancing the relationship. I’m sure you’ve seen, the person who starts to do that is not necessarily always the same person. The other person will reciprocate. It shows how the dynamic of a relationship can be changed by just one person taking that step. Even

Help People Listen: How To

Help People Listen: How To Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Lisa Bobby, a Board Certified Life Coach: In terms of a solution to this, share how you go about repairing the fabric of a relationship to deal with the issues that are coming up to the surface. _____    Dr. Lisa Bobby There are a number of interventions that we use in marriage counseling. One of the biggest ones is something that every single