[VIDEO] Why Weddings Make Women Crazy… Before They Even Get Engaged

[VIDEO] Why Weddings Make Women Crazy… Before They Even Get Engaged Are you obsessed with your Pinterest wedding board? Have you been planning your nuptials since you were young? Many single women are invested in the idea of a perfect wedding — whether or not they have a groom on board. YourTango Experts Ellen Whitehurst, Maya Ezratti, Jasbina Ahluwalia and Abby Rodman sat down with YourTango Senior VP of Experts, Melanie Gorman, to

[VIDEO] Are Some Women Really Just Unlucky In Love & Relationships?

YourTango Experts, Jasbina Ahluwalia, Intersections Match Founder, Abby Rodman, Maya Ezratti, Ellen Whitehurst and Melanie Gorman get to the bottom of an age-old quandry: [VIDEO] Are Some Women Really Just Unlucky In Love & Relationships? They discuss important issues when it comes to the search for a meaningful relationship, like the power of networking and putting your best foot forward. Melanie Gorman (00:17):  Lots of people say that they feel unlucky in love

[VIDEO] Marriage Advice: Best Advice & Biggest Mistakes

[VIDEO] Marriage Advice: Best Advice & Biggest Mistakes Are you about to tie the knot? Want to make sure your marriage goes the distance? Diving into marriage is a big deal, and you should make sure you're ready. What's the biggest mistake couples make before they get married... and what's the best advice for avoiding it? YourTango Experts Ellen Whitehurst, Maya Ezratti, Jasbina Ahluwalia and Abby Rodman sat down with YourTango Senior VP

[VIDEO] Love At First Sight – Is It Possible?

[VIDEO] Love At First Sight - Is It Possible? Let's be honest: is love at first sight really possible? Can you instantly know he's "the one"? YourTango Experts Ellen Whitehurst, Maya Ezratti, Jasbina Ahluwalia and Abby Rodman speak with YourTango Senior VP of Experts, Melanie Gorman about the phenemonen of instantaneous love, perpetuated by shows like The Bachelor. The reality competition series may be unrealistic for the rest of us, but we can

[VIDEO] Men Are Obsolete – Are They?

Managing deal breakers is about finding a balance between maintaining high standards and being open to potential matches. By reflecting on your own values, considering your imperfections, and recognizing the role of relationships in personal growth, you can ensure that your deal breakers serve as assets rather than liabilities. Remember, the goal is to find a partner who complements your life, not completes it. Embrace the journey

[VIDEO] Women Ignore Obvious Red Flags – Why?

[VIDEO] Women Ignore Obvious Red Flags - Why? Women tend to see only what they want to; is this detrimental to their relationship success? It can be hard to admit that your relationship just isn't working. If you notice a red flag, do you drive on by or pay attention? YourTango Experts Ellen Whitehurst, Maya Ezratti, Jasbina Ahluwalia and Abby Rodman sat down with YourTango Senior VP of Experts, Melanie Gorman, to discuss

[VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight – Here’s Why It Could Be Possible

[VIDEO] Is There Love At First Sight - Here's Why It Could Be Possible The debate continues ... Is love at first sight really a thing? In the video above, SVP of YourTango Experts Melanie Gorman, relationship and communications expert Fiona Fine, author and relationship coach Gregg Michaelsen, matchmaker and dating coach Jasbina Ahluwalia and biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, Ph.D. say that there's still no definitive answer to this romantic mystery. Why? Because many people haven't experienced it. Many people fell in

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE – 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One

[VIDEO] Storybook ROMANCE - 3 Steps To Turn Your Relationship Into One Swoon! Every relationship needs romance to thrive, but you don't need to be hopeless romantic in order to instill this into their relationships. Many people, especially men, believe that they aren't the "romantic type" because they don't feel like comfortable making huge romantic gestures and pronouncing their love to the world. But romance is WAY more than that. Need some romance tips? YourTango's Senior VP Melanie Gorman, Divorce Coach Dr. Karen Finn, Matchmaker &

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal)

[VIDEO] 2 Reasons Why Men Pull Away (And How To Deal) The brutal truth ... Many women have this similar experience with the men. The relationship is going incredibly well — it's exciting, and you're loving the time together. Then, seemingly out of the blue, you feel a distance. You're certainly not the one creating it, so it must be your man, right? You'll be surprised to hear that this is actually quite common behavior between men and women in

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

[VIDEO] 3 HUGE Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship This behavior isn't normal. And it isn't right, either. We've all had that one relationship that left us feeling more emotionally drained than satisfied. No matter how hard we try to make things work, nothing is enough. Even though you love your boyfriend and can't picture yourself without him, things have been super tense between you. He doesn't treat you with the respect