Family Rituals – 4 Benefits

Family Rituals - 4 Benefits of Observing  Them Family rituals are any activities that a family engages in periodically, is symbolic for everyone involved and is valued by each member so that they wish to continue it in the future. Rituals can be cultural or religious but do not necessarily have to be. They can be done every day, every month, every year or at specific times of life. _____ [More from Jasbina]

Susan Winter Interview – How To Live The Life You Desire?

Susan Winter Interview - How To Live The Life You Desire? “Allowing Magnificence: Living the Expanded Version of Your Life” Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Susan Winter  A few topics Susan Winter addresses in this interview are: (4:56)          Relationship With Yourself: It's Important (6:51)          Culture Influences Love - Learn How? (8:59)          Evolutionary Relationship: What Is It? (12:48)        Dating Rules: Are There Any? (16:43)        Find Love Through Clarity (21:01)        Work and Love: Finding the Balance (23:14)       

Jackie Warner Interview: This is Why You’re Fat

Jackie Warner Interview: This is Why You’re Fat “This is Why You’re Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever)” Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Jackie Warner A few topics Jackie Warner addresses in this interview are: (5:47)     Overcomplicated Diets: Drop Them! (8:16)     Cheat Meals: Indulge Twice! (10:19)   Intense Workouts Can Be Short (12:25)   Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss (15:25)   Food Journal: It’s Important! (17:35)   Holiday Meals: Curb Your Appetite (20:10)  Small Goals Are

Excessive Worrying About Loved Ones Can Wreck Relationships – Not Help – What Do We Do?

Excessive Worrying About Loved Ones Can Wreck Relationships – Not Help – What Do We Do? Story 1 Mandar’s phone rang for the third time in an hour. He rolled his eyes at it knowing it was his mother, calling to see if he was safe because of the severe thunderstorm going on outside. [More from Jasbina] ---> [VIDEO] Intersections Match by Jasbina - From The Founder ---> [VIDEO] Help! My Emotional Walls

7 Tips to Achieve Your New Years Resolutions

7 Tips to Achieve Your New Years Resolutions For over one month prior to a new year, people begin to think about new years resolutions and what goals they wish to achieve. Most of these people had failed to follow through with their resolutions in the previous year and thus attempt to try again. The problem is, most resolutions are inherently flawed and are destined to not be completed.   No TIME to

Take Better Care of Yourself So You Can Better Care For Others

Take Better Care of Yourself So You Can Better Care For Others South Asian culture is a collectivistic culture, meaning that individual needs and wants are pushed aside for the benefit of the whole group. Generally, people who are raised in a collectivistic culture are taught that it is best to sacrifice oneself if that means the group as a whole will be happier. Overall, it is emphasized that others are often more

[VIDEO] Why Weddings Make Women Crazy… Before They Even Get Engaged

[VIDEO] Why Weddings Make Women Crazy… Before They Even Get Engaged Are you obsessed with your Pinterest wedding board? Have you been planning your nuptials since you were young? Many single women are invested in the idea of a perfect wedding — whether or not they have a groom on board. YourTango Experts Ellen Whitehurst, Maya Ezratti, Jasbina Ahluwalia and Abby Rodman sat down with YourTango Senior VP

[VIDEO] NetIP Conference – Breaking The Mold Panel

  [VIDEO] NetIP Conference - Breaking The Mold Panel NetIP Conference SF - Dare To Be You:  Jasbina Ahluwalia participates on the 'Dare To Break The Mold' panel with Rajiv Satyal & Ravi Kapur. Female Announcer (0:10): “Dare to Be You!” That was the inspirational theme for the 22nd Annual NetIP National Convention held in San Francisco.   Male Conference Host (0:16): I will kick things off with some questions

[VIDEO] Intersections Match by Jasbina – From The Founder

[VIDEO] Intersections Match by Jasbina - From The Founder Hi, welcome. My name is Jasbina Ahluwalia, and I’m the founder of Intersections Match, the only national matchmaking and dating coaching company for South Asian singles nationwide. I’m a lawyer-turned-radio-show-host, entrepreneur, matchmaker, and dating coach. I founded Intersections Match for three main reasons. First, I’ve always had an interest in helping people in some meaningful way. Second, I realized that there was an unmet

Masculinity and Being Nice: Perfect Combo

Masculinity and Being Nice: Perfect Combo Jasbina Ahluwalia For both men and women, it comes down to having an empowering mindset or attitude. You want to be able to identify the problem solver as someone who is going to figure it out versus the complainer who is powerless. They are either pointing a finger at others or overgeneralizing. It starts with the mindset and attitude. In your book for men, you mention what