How should Physicians Choose a Medical Specialty?

How should Physicians Choose a Medical Specialty? Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Rajeev Fernando. Dr. Rajeev Fernando has been recognized as one of "America's Top Doctors in New York" for the specialty of Infectious Disease since 2014. He formerly worked with Doctors Without Borders and runs a charity on behalf of his parents called CHIRAJ ( His charity donates masks that meet all the necessary safety standards and have a value of $15. He

An Indian Male Physician’s Perspective on why more Female Physicians than Male Physicians Prefer Physician Spouses

An Indian Male Physician’s Perspective on why more Female Physicians than Male Physicians Prefer Physician Spouses Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Rajeev Fernando. Dr. Rajeev Fernando has been recognized as one of "America's Top Doctors in New York" for the specialty of Infectious Disease since 2014. He formerly worked with Doctors Without Borders and runs a charity on behalf of his parents called CHIRAJ ( His charity donates masks that meet all the necessary

How can you get Free Masks for COVID from Anywhere in the World if you Can’t Afford Them?

How can you get Free Masks for COVID from Anywhere in the World if you Can’t Afford Them? Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Rajeev Fernando. Dr. Rajeev Fernando has been recognized as one of "America's Top Doctors in New York" for the specialty of Infectious Disease since 2014. He formerly worked with Doctors Without Borders and runs a charity on behalf of his parents called CHIRAJ ( His charity donates masks that meet all

Philanthropist and Infectious Disease Physician Talks COVID, Women’s Empowerment, and Physician Gender Dynamics with Dr. Rajeev Fernando

Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Rajeev Fernando. A few of the topics Dr. Rajeev Fernando addresses in this interview are: (13:49) CHIRAJ is a Charity for Women’s Empowerment (15:28) How did COVID Start in China? (18:58) Why are Masks Important to Prevent COVID-19? (24:13) What Parts of the World are Infectious Disease Doctors Most Concerned about Regarding COVID as Winter Approaches? (25:57) What Areas in the US are Infectious Disease Doctors Most Concerned about Regarding COVID as Winter Approaches?

Heart Attack First Response

Heart Attack First Response Jasbina Ahluwalia Great. You had mentioned that 80% of heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes. That is a very colorful way to leave us with those thoughts. Everyone, here’s your chance to ask Ashish any questions you might have. I have the first question here. Welcome, caller. _____   Caller One asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino

4 Mantras for Healthy Lifestyle

4 Mantras for Healthy Lifestyle Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital: Wow. That’s amazing. I really appreciate you sharing your inspirational insights with us, Ashish. I’m wondering if there are any last thoughts or a take-home message you’d like to share with our listeners before we give our listeners the opportunity to ask you questions. _____   Ashish Mathur It’s

AIM To Prevent Program: How to Connect

AIM To Prevent: How to Connect Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital: Wow, Ashish. That sounds like an extremely comprehensive approach. If there are listeners who want to get involved and potentially be a part of the AIM to Prevent program, how can they go about doing so? _____    Ashish Mathur Doing so is very simple.   AIM To

Heart Attack Prevention Tips

Heart Attack Prevention Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital: Given these sobering statistics, I would love it if you would share what the AIM to Prevent program is about. Tell us more about that. It sounds very heartening, so tell us a little bit more about that. _____    Ashish Mathur Heart Attack Prevention: Lifestyle Change I’ll start by

Indians at High Risk for Heart Attack

Indians at High Risk for Heart Attack Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital: That is so inspirational. Those numbers you gave out are astounding, when you say the one in five. From what you’re saying, I understand that heart attack and diabetes tend to be widespread among Indians. You had mentioned stress and genetics. What are the reasons for this

South Asian Heart Center: The Need

South Asian Heart Center: The Need Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Ashish Mathur, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital: It’s exciting to have you on. What really led you to co-found the South Asian Heart Center? _____    Ashish Mathur South Asian Heart Center: The Heart Attack It was just a series of coincidences, really. It started when I had my heart attack at the age of