About Jasbina Ahluwalia

The uniqueness of Intersections Match comes from the life experiences of its Founder, Jasbina Ahluwalia. As a former practicing lawyer who also holds a graduate degree in philosophy, Jasbina can relate first-hand to the demands and challenges facing her accomplished clients.

Journey Through Non-Profit

Journey Through Non-Profit Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Deepa Iyer, former Executive Director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, SAALT: Those are fascinating experiences. I’ll bet you have a lot of stories. Are there any anecdotes from those years? _____    Deepa Iyer A few always stand out for me.   Journey Through Non-Profit: National Conference In 2007, SAALT held our first national conference called the National South Asian Summit. It was the first time

Fulfillment in Non-Profits

Fulfillment in Non-Profits Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Deepa Iyer, former Executive Director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, SAALT: You bring up a lot of great points in terms of taking risks and building meaningful relationships. Of all of those, what were the greatest rewards? Looking back now on that whole experience, what were the greatest rewards of leading the non-profit? What do you look back on now and say, “Wow?” _____    Deepa

How To Build a Non-Profit

How To Build a Non-Profit Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Deepa Iyer, former Executive Director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, SAALT: From those different experiences, how did you go about building this non-profit from scratch? _____    Deepa Iyer SAALT was created by a number of people all around the country in 2000. I was asked by the board at that time to join the board of directors of the organization. It was a

Searching For Partner: 3 Tips

Searching For Partner: 3 Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: I want to end with your top three tips for singles searching for a life partner.  _____   Dr. Pat Love 3 Tips: Searching For Partner Know Yourself Get To Know The Other Person Know What Makes a Relationship Work   Searching For Partner: Know Yourself First, do what it takes to know yourself. There are three big reasons why people don’t make a

What Sparks My Desire?

What Sparks My Desire? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: The love that you feel is the love that you give. You talked in your book about couples where one partner has a greater interest in sex than the other. This can be a common issue for many couples. What are some tips and things that a couple can do in that situation? They’re not alone. There are many couples in that situation. _____   

Flexibility Important in Relationships

Flexibility Important in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: If both partners are motivated to continue the relationship then there are plenty of measures that they can take. There is a lot of timeless wisdom in your book, The Truth About Love. You discuss tips for the neo-traditional model of marriage, which was prevalent at that time and is even more so today. It takes even more forms than when your book first

Therapy Helps Relationships

Therapy Helps Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: That’s so helpful, walking through what strikes people when that happens. It’s really difficult to recover from that. I’m wondering if you’ve seen cases where couples have been able to. Do you believe that trust and faith can be restored? What can be done at that point? Maybe they were in the accidental category. _____   Dr. Pat Love Lots of good books were

Infidelity in All Relationships

Infidelity in All Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: Yes. It is interesting. I think there is an element of us that recognizes that. People come to me and want someone who is happy to begin with. That sets everyone up for success when we find someone who is happy to begin with. I want to switch gears and talk about infidelity. I’m sure you’ve seen it in your practice. What

3 Measures of Happiness

3 Measures of Happiness Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: Happiness is an inside job. I think that is so profound. You mentioned a preventative measure. Individuals can side-step some of the more common relationship issues.   3 Measures of Happiness: For Yourself One of which is to find a way that you can make yourself happy. What other preventative measures might there be for someone? A

Seek Therapy for Communication

Seek Therapy for Communication Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Pat Love, author of The Truth About Love: What one begins with is not what one needs to end with. That is very important. What are some of the most common reasons that you believe people seek couples counseling? What are some of the patterns that you see? _____    Dr. Pat Love Seek Therapy for Communication: “No Communication” The most common reason why people