Dealing With Difficult Colleagues

Dealing With Difficult Colleagues Caller Three asks Dhru Beeharilal: That’s great. I have one last question. Another area that I think my company sometimes struggles with is giving advice on how to deal with difficult colleagues. It is essentially conflict resolution. My job requires that we be very creative and innovative with out-of-the-box thinking. That can create friction. People with think that their ideas are better than others.   Dealing With Difficult Colleagues:

Act Like a Boss: 4 Tips

Act Like a Boss: 4 Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia Here is our next question. Welcome, caller.   Caller Three asks Dhru Beeharilal: Thank you for your time. I just finished business school. I’m one of the younger guys in my group. I’m trying to learn how to exert influence without having the title or authority given to me. I want to build my credibility at the company and try to show that I have

Do I Need a Business Partner?

Do I Need a Business Partner? Jasbina Ahluwalia We’re going to go to the next question. Welcome, caller.   Caller Two asks Dhru Beeharilal:  Hi. Thank you, Jasbina. Dhru, thank you very much for taking the time. The conversation was very insightful. You mentioned the importance of choosing the right partner when you plan to start your business. How do you know whether you need partners? _____   Dhru Beeharilal That’s a good

Internal Dialogue: Discover You

Internal Dialogue: Discover You Caller One asks Dhru Beeharilal: Yes, okay. I have another question. You mentioned following your interests and passions. I strongly believe in that, too. What if people don’t necessarily realize or have an idea of what they’re interested in or passion about? They say, “I don’t know what I’m passionate about.” I’m curious as to how I can reply to those people as well as figuring it out for

How To: Talk To Your Boss

How To: Talk To Your Boss Jasbina Ahluwalia I love that. What do you want to be known for? Everyone, now is your chance to ask Dhru any questions which may have come up for you. I am going to go to the first question. Hi, this is Jasbina.   Talk To Your Boss: Responsibilities and a Raise Caller One asks Dhru Beeharilal: Hi. Dhru, I have a question about something you mentioned

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dhru Beeharilal: From your experience and expertise in professional and personal development, what is the top most thing that you could be neglecting that could improve your life dramatically? What might that be? _____   Dhru Beeharilal A lot of people don’t realize it, but they neglect themselves.   What Do You Want? Set Time Aside Look at everyone’s day. Take a look at your Google

Companies Are Like People

Companies Are Like People Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dhru Beeharilal: I cannot agree with you more. The idea of the next man or woman has nothing to do with the last. I think that’s wonderful advice. It struck me when you talked about being present in terms of building trust.   Companies Are Like People: Being Present In terms of the transferability of these skills from personal to professional, building a company, having your

Be Present in Relationships

Be Present in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dhru Beeharilal: That’s interesting. I actually didn’t know that story. I think that happens a lot in terms of having the idea person and the execution person. Now we’ll switch gears to personal development. I believe that you would agree, these skills are very transferable to personal and professional. In terms of personal development, tell us about the importance of being present to strengthen relationships. _____ 

Choosing A Business Partner: 2 Tips

Choosing A Business Partner: 2 Tips Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dhru Beeharilal: I think that’s great. By having a board of advisors with skills complementary to a skill set that you may not have, you can really add that value as you’re beginning. I think that’s great advice. You mentioned who, why and how. Let me ask you about the who.   Choosing A Business Partner: Selective I can appreciate how important it is

Becoming An Entrepreneur: 3 Questions

Becoming An Entrepreneur: 3 Questions Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dhru Beeharilal: I think that’s a great point. It’s about asking sometimes. I think people hold themselves back and don’t ask. In addition to the professional and personal development company that you founded, I understand you’re in the process of starting a real estate investment company. What are the greatest challenges in starting companies from the ground up? For those people who are considering starting