[VIDEO] Men Think I’m Controlling. How Do I Stop?

[VIDEO] Jasbina gives 3 tips on how to stay empowered, while not coming off as too controlling. In this video, Jasbina addresses the question: I’m often criticized by men I date because I come across too controlling.  Is there a way to maintain my integrity as a powerful woman without being perceived as controlling?    Jasbina Ahluwalia As a matchmaker and dating coach to highly selective men and women, this question comes up frequently.

Controlling Behavior in Relationships

Controlling Behavior in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Rebecca Grado, co-author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How to Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!): The “forceful alpha” was the first one. The second of the four common alpha behaviors you mention is the “controlling alpha.” In the context of relationships, will you explain to our readers what that might be? _____ Rebecca Grado I think this is the one area that

Controlling of Communication

Controlling of Communication Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Nancy Slotnick, author of Turn Your Cablight On: Get Your Dream Man in Six Months or Less: The second category is controlling. Do you have any examples? _____   Nancy Slotnick I like using the examples of communication around dating because that’s where a lot of your personality is translated to the other person. You may not even realize it. Controlling of Communication: Scheduling Here is an