How should Physicians Choose a Medical Specialty?

How should Physicians Choose a Medical Specialty? Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Dr. Rajeev Fernando. Dr. Rajeev Fernando has been recognized as one of "America's Top Doctors in New York" for the specialty of Infectious Disease since 2014. He formerly worked with Doctors Without Borders and runs a charity on behalf of his parents called CHIRAJ ( His charity donates masks that meet all the necessary safety standards and have a value of $15. He

Work and Love: Finding the Balance

Work and Love: Finding the Balance Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Susan Winter – Author of the book ‘Allowing Magnificence: Living the Expanded Version of Your Life’: As a revolutionary relationship expert, where one’s own personal evolution is so integral, how can young women best prioritize all of the important decisions facing them regarding career, love, family and friends? Do you have any advice on how to work through it all? _____ [More from Jasbina]