The Heart of Self-Love: How to Radiate with Confidence

The Heart of Self-Love: How to Radiate with Confidence
Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Heather Hans

 A few topics Heather Hans addresses in this interview are:

  1. (1:33)     Self-Love: Its Importance                              
  2. (3:58)    Have Confidence and Trust Yourself!
  3. (6:30)    Build Relationship on Faith
  4. (9:58)    Self-Love: Power to Heal
  5. (13:30)  Love Brings Out Best in You
  6. (15:41)   Stress Causes Poor Health
  7. (17:53)   Surrender: Something Will Come
  8. (21:08)  Everything is a Relationship
  9. (22:53)  Find Your Soulmate: Tips
  10. (24:25)  Physical Health: 3 Tips
  11. (26:59)  Action Before Motivation
  12. (31:53)   Tools to Happiness
  13. (37:27)   Build Sense of Connection


Heather Hans is a Visionary, Healer & Teacher who is an expert at harmonizing relationships & empowering people to excel and radiate with confidence. She is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist, Certified Professional Intuitive Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Advanced Practitioner, and holds a certificate in holistic health.

Born into a Colorado Ashram by a Jewish mother, Heather recognized her calling as a spiritual teacher from the time she was eight years old. Her own journey to self-love and confidence led through the shadows of loss, oppression, and abuse.

Following a difficult upbringing, she went on to earn two masters degrees with honors and on full scholarship. In 2004, she left a successful career as a CPA and university instructor to pursue her passion for holistic healing and human potential, and during that time she recognized her clairvoyant gifts and ability to empower other people. She makes frequent media appearances and has graced the cover of Miss Millennia magazine.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

(00:47):  Hello everyone and welcome to Intersections Match’s Talk Radio, a monthly holistic lifestyle show focused on the continual evolution into the best versions of our authentic selves.

This is Jasbina, your host. I’m a former practicing lawyer and the Founder of Intersections Match, the only elite national personalized matchmaking company focused on singles of South Asian descent nationwide in the US.

As a dating coach and matchmaker, I’m always interested in fresh perspectives from authors, researchers and experts to help me provide unparalleled service to our clients.

I’m very excited to welcome Heather Hans to our show today. On today’s show, we’ll be discussing Heather’s book, The Heart of Self-Love. Welcome to the show, Heather.


Heather Hans

(1:29): Thanks, Jasbina. I appreciate you having me.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Self-Love: Its Importance

(1:33): It’s a pleasure to have you on. I’d like to start with what led you to write this book in the first place.


Heather Hans


It has been my experience throughout my life that self-love is the most fundamental key to successful relationships.

Our relationship with ourselves is always primary, no matter what relationship we’re in with other people.

Elaborating on Self-Love: Its Importance.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Have Confidence and Trust Yourself!

(3:58): Tell me about the concept of confidence. Some of the main teachings in your book lead people to confidence. Can you tell us about that?


Heather Hans

(4:22): I see confidence as a two-part thing.

2 Parts of Confidence:

  1. Confidence in Life
  2. Self-Confidence

Elaborating on Have Confidence and Trust Yourself!



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Build Relationship on Faith

(6:30): It’s also a lot like faith, in terms of having faith in life and yourself. I can see how confidence would be so important and fundamental to the well-being of health and relationships.

How does a lack of self-confidence eat away at health and relationships?


Heather Hans

(7:05): I love how you said “faith.” It is faith.

People don’t have to test faith. They don’t have to go on faith blindly.

If you look back at your life, you can see that nothing has killed you yet.

Usually, the hard things make us even stronger. It’s on faith and trust that you’ve made it this far and you’re going to keep growing.

Elaborating on Build Relationship on Faith.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Self-Love: Power to Heal

(9:58): That is really profound. I see that all the time when working with clients.

I think we’re evidence seekers. Our beliefs are co-creating our realities. If that is one’s world view, that is going to filter everything around us.

You said that self-love will heal the world. Tell us about that. That’s a lofty statement. I agree with you.


Heather Hans

(10:47): I do believe that self-love can heal the world.

If every single person took responsibility for their mental, physical and spiritual well-being and loved their whole selves, they wouldn’t tolerate war and violence for long.

Elaborating on Self-Love: Power to Heal.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Love Brings Out Best in You

(13:30): It all comes together. Like you said, if you have that confidence in life itself, that’s your filter. You will seize those opportunities to resolve. It’s aligned with your belief that everything is resolvable.

This show is all about becoming the best version of our authentic selves. What is your best tip who really want to be the best version of themselves?


Heather Hans

(13:58): This may sound simple, but when you keep tapping into your heart, the heart energy and loving energy, you will always be the best version of yourself.

When you go about your day, many of us have these self-critical thoughts.

When you keep tapping into that self-compassion that will bring about your best version.

Elaborating on Love Brings Out Best in You.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Stress Causes Poor Health

(15:41): You talked about being in a loving emotional state. Often, a lot of physical health problems stem from a person’s emotional state.

Can you tell us about that? What are some examples where you see the physical manifestation of not being well due to an emotional state?


Heather Hans

(16:08): A stressed emotional state can cause virtually every type of physical health problem possible.

The mind-body link has been researched and documented for decades. A lot of our physical problems stem from our emotions.

Elaborating on Stress Causes Poor Health.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Surrender: Something Will Come

(17:53): What would you say to someone who feels that he or she has taken all the right steps to achieve their desires but still doesn’t feel like they’ve quite attained what they want?


Heather Hans

(18:15): If someone honestly feels like they have done the work and worked really hard to achieve their desires and they’re still not getting them, the first thing I think of is to surrender.

When we surrender, that’s a receptive state.

Elaborating on Surrender: Something Will Come.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Everything is a Relationship

(21:08): I understand you believe that everything in life boils down to relationships. Tell us what you mean by that.


Heather Hans

(21:23): Every single thing in this universe is in relationship with something else in order to function.

  • You can look at the earth orbiting around the sun.
  • You can look at the human body and all of the intricacies. The heart needs to beat. The lungs need to take in air. All of our organs are depending on one another.


It’s the same in life with our human relationships.

Elaborating on Everything is a Relationship.



Jasbina Ahluwalia  

Find Your Soulmate: Tips

(22:53): I agree with you. We start internally on that path to finding a soulmate and attaining a happy relationship.

Do you have any other insights for someone who wants to meet their soulmate and have a happy, romantic relationship?


Heather Hans

(23:14): I believe that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for meeting the right partner.

Don’t ever compare yourself to other people. What works for them might not work for you.

Comparing can often make us feel inadequate and strip us of our confidence. It’s a process of self-discovery.

The better you know yourself, the more likely you will know what kind of person and relationship suits you. Then you can attract it.

Elaborating on Find Your Soulmate: Tips.



Jasbina Ahluwalia  

Physical Health: 3 Tips

(24:25): Let’s switch gears to physical health.

What are your top three tips for someone who wants to achieve physical health with a healthy, fit body?


Heather Hans

(24:44): The basics are eating a balanced whole foods organic diet.

  1. You need to let there be some space between your meals.
  2. The second one is exercise.
  3. The third one would be to meditate and manage your emotional stress on a regular basis.

Elaborating on Physical Health: 3 Tips.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Action Before Motivation

(26:59): You mentioned the relation between your emotional state and exercise.

I’ve been reading a lot lately about movement and being able to change your emotional state just by moving your body.

I understand that you made a major career transition from being a CPA to a creative healer, author and video producer.

For our listeners who are thinking that the best version of their authentic selves may manifest in doing something different professionally, what advice would you have for people wishing to follow their passion and switch professions? 


Heather Hans

(27:50): I get this question a lot. I think, in the end, the heart wants what it wants. People want to do what they love. Overall, I say go for it.

There is no point in being alive to do something you don’t like doing. We all come into the world with gifts, strengths and talents. We are meant to be using them.

Not only do we benefit from doing that, but the world does.

Elaborating on Action Before Motivation.



Jasbina Ahluwalia

Tools to Happiness

(31:53): Action comes before motivation. That applies to confidence, too.

You need to make a commitment to that. Doing something and seeing your ability to do it and get to the other side of it comes before having that confidence.

What would you tell someone who really wants to be their best, but struggles? They struggle with depression or anxiety. What would you tell that person?


Heather Hans

(32:32): This links to what you just said.

In my own life, the way I’ve gained confidence is by acting first.

Whenever I don’t believe in myself, I put myself in the position to do what I don’t believe that I can. Then I achieve it. Then I think, “Okay, what’s next? What else don’t I believe in?”

Elaborating on Tools to Happiness.



Jasbina Ahluwalia  

Build Sense of Connection

(37:27): Speaking of connection, what do you believe is the most life-changing tip for having those fulfilling relationships that add to our sense of connection?


Heather Hans

(37:46): It’s probably no surprise, but when you treat yourself with love, you will bring loving people and loving relationships into your life.

Your outer world reflects your inner world.

Elaborating on Build Sense of Connection.



Jasbina Ahluwalia  

(39:19): I love that. That is so empowering. We value ourselves and we teach people how to value us. We value others as well in doing that. I really appreciate you sharing your insights with us, Heather. Is there any last thought or take-home message that you would like to leave our listeners with?


Heather Hans

(39:44): Thanks so much, Jasbina. I would say to everyone, remember that life, despite all its imperfections, is perfect right now in this moment. My mom once said to me, “There’s only one final destination and I don’t think you want to be there.” Seize the moment and realized that you are loved and loveable. There is a perfection to life right now. That would be my final two cents.


Jasbina Ahluwalia  

(40:30): Thanks so much, Heather. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

In case you joined us late or would like to share this show with people in your life, I’d like to remind you that today’s radio show will be archived and available as a podcast on Intersections Match’s website, which is

Heather, would you like to share a website with our listeners?


Heather Hans

(40:52): My website is


Jasbina Ahluwalia  

(41:07): I appreciate you hanging out with us, everyone. Make sure to join us for next month’s show. Take care, everyone.


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