Communication is Key: Relationships

One of the most common deal breakers that should be non-negotiable is communication. As Cija Black, author of 'Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating,' points out, communication is critical for the success of any relationship. Without it, flexibility and growth become impossible. Black shares her personal story of how the lack of communication in her first marriage was a deal breaker that led her to prioritize this

[VIDEO] Men Are Obsolete – Are They?

Managing deal breakers is about finding a balance between maintaining high standards and being open to potential matches. By reflecting on your own values, considering your imperfections, and recognizing the role of relationships in personal growth, you can ensure that your deal breakers serve as assets rather than liabilities. Remember, the goal is to find a partner who complements your life, not completes it. Embrace the journey

Ready to Date?

While having high standards is commendable, it's also important to maintain a balance. Consider what imperfections you can tolerate in a partner, keeping in mind your own fallibilities. This realistic perspective will help you identify deal breakers that are essential versus those that might be more flexible. Remember, no one is perfect, and understanding this can lead to more meaningful connections. Ready to Date? Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black,

Take Charge of Love Life

Finding the right balance between holding on to your deal breakers and remaining open to potential matches is a journey of self-awareness and introspection. By understanding the importance of your deal breakers, taking charge of your love life, and balancing your standards with openness, you can navigate the complexities of relationships with confidence. Remember, the right partner is out there, and by mastering your deal breakers, you're one step closer to

Doubting Happiness In a Relationship

Doubting Happiness In a Relationship Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with Abby Rodman, author of Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life how people can sense true happiness in love relationships: You have to objectively analyze. You have to step back. You mentioned before that well-worn pair of slippers. It may not actually be serving you even if it seems comfortable at the time.

Defining Love By Our Parents Stories

Defining Love By Our Parents Stories Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with  Abby Rodman, author of  Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life how people define marriage based on what their parents show them: This is one of the last quotes that I’m going to share from your book. You have a chapter entitled, Theirs and Ours: Making Your Marriage Your Own. South Asian

Be Your Own Person and Spice it Up!

Be Your Own Person and Spice it Up! Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with  Abby Rodman, author of  Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life the importance of living a life with passion: I hear from men very often, “I want someone who is passionate about something in their lives. I don’t want to be their whole world.” You can flip into living vicariously

Why Being Self-Fulfilled Can’t Wait

Why Being Self-Fulfilled Can't Wait Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with Abby Rodman, author of  Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life the importance of self fulfillment: That’s such an opportunity that we have in terms of demonstrating our love to our partners to be the people who really are healing that. That’s amazing. Like you said, there is a flip to that. That’s

Childhood Wounds in Love Relationships

Childhood Wounds in Love Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with Abby Rodman, author of Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life the role of our childhood in romantic relationships: Your book states, “Many of us “hire on” a potential spouses to activate or reactivate our childhood wounds. Everything we know about relationships, we learned in childhood and that knowledge becomes like a pair

Changing Your Life or Lifestyle for Love

Changing Your Life or Lifestyle for Love Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with Abby Rodman, author of Should You Marry Him? A No-Nonsense, Therapist-Tested Guide to Not Screwing Up the Biggest Decision of Your Life someone changing their lifestyle vs. changing their life for love: You addressed it by discussing ten make or break pre-marriage issues that popped up from your experience. You mentioned that they come up in every troubled marriage or relationship that