What Is Good Sugar?

What Is Good Sugar? Caller Three asks Dr. Jason Beeharilal, Founder of Premier Wellness Associates, LLC: Okay. I have another question. There are a lot of these substitute sweeteners on the market, like Stevia. I’ve just started using coconut palm sugar. I wanted to know if you have any thoughts on that. Is it a good substitute for sugar? _____   Dr. Jason Beeharilal What Is Good Sugar: Sucralose There are a lot

Understanding Sweet Cravings

Understanding Sweet Cravings Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Dr. Jason Beeharilal, Founder of Premier Wellness Associates, LLC: That’s very comprehensive. I understand that you have insights as to how your sweet tooth can reveal your needs. You said that these are all interrelated. Tell us about that. How is it that your sweet tooth reveals your needs? _____   Dr. Jason Beeharilal Understanding Sweet Cravings: The Want A lot of folks, including clients of mine