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Relationship Advice – Desi Express (Atlanta)
My Spouse Wants A Divorce – But Gives No Reason – Should I Hold On?
I’m dating a woman who’s really great, except for the fact that she’s constantly questioning me whenever we spend any time apart.
I have been dating a guy for almost a year. When I suggest spending more time together (we rarely spend more than one day of the weekend and one evening during the work week together despite the fact we live less than 20 minutes apart), he accuses me of suffocating him….
I Want to Surprise Her with Something Special – Any Ideas?
My boyfriend and I recently took our first trip together and now I find myself wondering whether we have a future, or are just too different to make it for the long-term. While I’ve known for a while…
I was in a long-term relationship with someone who I thought would be “the One.” We broke up a week ago, and I’m still having a hard time getting over my ex. Any suggestions?
When I’m out socially, guys don’t tend to approach me. Is it a good idea for me to approach guys myself ?
My boyfriend’s a great guy, and we get along well, part from his problem with my not telling my parents about him since he’s not Indian. How can I deal with this situation?
I seem to be spending a lot of time on first dates, many of which don’t go anywhere. I’m frustrated because it seems as though either the kind of guys I keep meeting are really just not worth my time, or in those cases where I see potential I don’t hear from the guy again. Any suggestions?
I have a great boyfriend, who is smart, funny, and cute. We get along really well, except for one problem, his job involves a lot of travel and there are times when he is on the road for months. I find his absences difficult to deal with ….
Given what I do for a living I come across as a powerful woman, often criticized by the men I date as “too controlling.” Is there a way to maintain the integrity of my personality without being perceived as too controlling?
I am 38-years-old, attractive, successful and have been in a few long-term relationships. The last one was five years ago. Since then, I have moved to Atlanta and have been dating, but I am finding it harder and harder to meet someone at my age. I have tried Internet-dating sites, as they seem to be the only way……
I work long hours, and seem to have less and less free time. Perhaps this is why I find it almost impossible to meet people to date. Finding a relationship is important to me. Any suggestions on what to do and where to go to meet guys with potential?
I Am Successful And Educated – What Do I Do About The Intimidation Factor?
I’m fortunate to have a great family, good friends, and a successful career. I feel like I’m in a good place, except that I’m missing a partner with whom I can share my life….
I’m ready to put some real effort into my search for a partner, and I’ve decided to try online dating. I’m uncomfortable putting my picture up online but have been told that not doing so is a mistake. What do you think?
I Am 38 And Finding It Hard To Find A Relationship – What Do I Do?
My husband and I generally get along well. However, when we return from work, he chooses to read the paper instead of interacting with me. So I’ve started making plans to go out with girlfriends most weeknights after work….
I met a guy online last year. While we seemed to have little in common, he expressed interest and I responded. After communicating via email and phone for a couple weeks, we met in person. While meeting him didn’t change my initial impression regarding having little in common, it was an enjoyable evening and I did feel attracted to him….
I recently had a few great phone conversations with a guy introduced to me by my parents (via family friends). This is the first guy in the last few years with whom I felt I really connected….
I am 34 and have been single for way too long. I would love to meet someone, but it seems that every time I do, the person doesn’t like me or ends up being unavailable. I usually have an easy time making friends,…
I think I may be getting apathetic about the whole relationship thing. It’s not that I haven’t dated or haven’t found decent guys. It’s just that even the decent guys didn’t pan out, and it seems like all the guys I’ve been out with since have been real losers….
My parents automatically distrust him because they believe that he must be using me to get a green card or U.S. citizenship. He has an H-1 visa, lives in the United States, and would like to settle here permanently …
I just started seeing a really great girl, but she’s constantly second-guessing everything I do. For instance, when I go out with friends, she has to know where I’m going, when I’m going to be…
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