When Will Love Happen – Should I Be Proactive?

When Will Love Happen – Should I Be Proactive? QUESTION I’m fortunate to have a great family, good friends, and a successful career. I feel like I’m in a good place, except that I’m missing a partner with whom I can share my life. When will love happen? While my parents would like me to be proactive in searching for a mate, I hear from others that I’ll eventually meet my special someone.

Should I Leave Meeting The Special Someone to Serendipity?

Should I Leave Meeting The Special Someone to Serendipity? QUESTION I'm an attractive and successful single woman who enjoys a fulfilling life but am just missing that special guy to share my life.   No TIME to Find Someone? We can HELP!   Over the years, I've pretty much gone about my life with the belief that when I least expect it, I'll meet my special guy. This hasn't quite worked yet -

South Asian Relationships: What Are The Patterns in Dating?

South Asian Relationships: What Are The Patterns in Dating? A unique issue for first-generation American-born South Asians is that many prefer the Western method to finding your life partner: dating. Since many of their parents are immigrants and probably had arranged marriages, they aren’t able to turn to their parents for help on learning how to navigate the dating scene. As they embark on the journey of finding a significant other, a common

6 Tips To Successfully Find The Right Partner

6 Tips To Successfully Find The Right Partner For young South Asian adults, after obtaining a college degree, the next item to check off on your list of things to do is to find the right partner - i.e. get married. The pressure for marriage begins earlier than our non South Asian counterparts and may be difficult to explain to someone who is not familiar with the culture. The stress increases when finding

I need space – What A Guy Really Means

I need space - What A Guy Really Means Dating is no easy feat.  We all have a tree in our backyard that we have stopped to admire, and then proceed to bang our head on after a bad date. I realize it can be very frustrating for you gals to decipher what we guys are saying during the dating process. What does it all mean?  What is the true status of your

9 Ideas To Surprise Her with Something Special

9 Ideas To Surprise Her with Something Special Question My fiancée took the bar exam recently, and has been busy with her job search ever since. What with my lengthy work hours, her studying for the bar and now job search, not to mention our extensive wedding planning (with our families), it seems like we just haven’t been able to spend all that much time together.   No TIME to Find Someone? We

My Girlfriend Has Serious Trust Issues – What Do I Do?

My Girlfriend Has Serious Trust Issues - What Do I Do? Question I’m dating a woman who’s really great, except for the fact that she’s constantly questioning me whenever we spend any time apart. To give you an example, when I go out with friends, she has to know where I’m going, when I’m going to be back, and exactly who else will be there.   No TIME to Find Someone? We can

I Will Call You – What A Guy Really Means

I Will Call You – What A Guy Really Means Dating is no easy feat.  We all have a tree in our backyard that we have stopped to admire, and then proceed to bang our head on after a bad date. I realize it can be very frustrating for you gals to decipher what we guys are saying during the dating process.   No TIME to Find Someone? We can HELP!   What

My Success Intimidates Men – What Do I Do? 8 Tips To Help

My Success Intimidates Men – What Do I Do? 8 Tips To Help Question When men learn I am highly educated and successful, they often get intimidated. It doesn’t make for a successful dating life and it is also so disheartening, especially because I’ve worked so hard to achieve these goals. My Success Intimidates Men – What Do I Do? _____ [More from Jasbina] ---> [VIDEO] Intersections Match by Jasbina - From The Founder

[VIDEO] Help! I’m Almost 40 And Still Single!

In this video, Jasbina addresses the question: [VIDEO] I’m almost 40 and still single. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I find a good man to settle down with?      Jasbina Ahluwalia Let me reassure you--you are most definitely not the only one finding yourself in  this situation.   No TIME to Find Someone? We can HELP!   Unfortunately, there is in fact a disparity in guys' favor in the