6 Relationship Insights from the East

6 Relationship Insights from the East Kristina Lynn asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: What are some of the things that you can tell us about the Eastern approach that we might not be aware of and how you blend the two? _____   Jasbina Ahluwalia I’d like to share with our listeners six insights from the East that I believe can help everyone, regardless of ethnicity, navigate their way to finding a life partner in

Arranged Marriage Culture

Arranged Marriage Culture Jaki Sabourin asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: I’ve been really excited about this interview because I married my husband and we met online. I’m not going to say anything more about that because you’re the expert here. I know the audience really wants to hear from you, and all about the things you’re going to share and tips that you’re going to provide. _____   Before we dive in, I want to

Millennial Voters on the Rise!

Millennial Voters on the Rise! Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Toby Chaudhuri, Co-Founder and CSO of SocialxDesign:: It is almost seeded in the design concepts that are coming out of the Bay Area and Silicon Valley and marrying that with what’s been done in the past, doing it in a whole different way. That is very interesting. Given your experience and expertise, you must have some perspectives about the impact of Narendra Modi’s election on