Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss

Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Jackie Warner, author of This is Why You’re Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): We’re talking about releasing chemicals that affect your whole life, very holistically.

It’s making that commitment to work out with intensity for a finite period of time and then that reverberates. That’s high impact.

In your book, you mention that you advocate what you call a five plus two eating plan, which you discussed earlier. That’s initiated by a two-week jumpstart. Can you tell us how that works together?



Jackie Warner

Everyone loves the two-week jumpstart. I did touch upon that.

Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss: Add Foods

That two-week jumpstart is simply adding foods to your existing diet. You will lose weight on that two-week jumpstart.

Let me tell you what the two-week jumpstart does. You’re adding foods that are hormone balancing.

Some things happen with inactivity and as we get older. When I say “older” I mean after 30. This is a huge population.


Jasbina Ahluwalia

It’s not that old.


Jackie Warner

Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss: Hormone Balancing

Exactly. That is still young but it is after the age of 30.

Particularly in women, what happens is that there is a huge decrease of testosterone and human growth hormone.

We all know, if we’ve read Time magazine or any publication about this, human growth hormone is the youth hormone. It’s what keeps you young. It’s what keeps your skin young. It’s anti-wrinkle. It’s muscle development.

People spend $3,000 a month injecting human growth hormone at a certain age.

With this intense exercise and certain foods, you can actually cause your body to increase human growth hormone. That’s what I do.

In the two-week jumpstart, I add the foods in that increase human growth hormone, testosterone and DHEA, another youthful hormone.

They also decrease estrogen. We are an estrogen-dominant society.

Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss: No Processed Foods

It’s anyone who has fast food and processed foods in their society. It’s not just America. Other countries are now going to more of a fast food culture.

Anyone who has that processed food are estrogen-dominant. Their body is holding onto estrogen, particularly in the midsection.

We decrease that estrogen and increase things like progesterone and good fat-burning hormones. That’s what the two-week start is.

Two-Week Jumpstart to Weight Loss: Eat Clean

Then we get into the five-clean plan. That’s two days of cheat meals. I even give you a ton of ideas for cheat meals and what that looks like for 1500 calories and under.

When I say to eat “clean” for five days, you have to eat the foods that I line out in the book. You can also only eat five grams of sugar and under per serving. That limits a lot of foods.

You have to be careful about the sugar intake. That’s one of the things that is causing people to gain weight. It is sugar addiction.


Tell Us:

Will you be trying out this two-week jumpstart to weight loss? Drop us a line below in the comments section.


The above is an excerpt from Jasbina’s interview with Jackie Warner

The entire interview transcript is at: Jackie Warner Interview: This is Why You’re Fat

Listen to the entire interview on: Intersections Match Talk Radio – Jasbina’s Lifestyle Show

Listen to the entire interview on Blog Talk Radio: This is Why You’re Fat – And How to Get Thin Forever

Listen to the entire interview on iTunes
