Questioning Abnormal Behavior in Relationships

Questioning Abnormal Behavior in Relationships Jasbina Ahluwalia discusses with Dan Crum, author of Is He Lying to You? That’s excellent. Is there any last thought or take-home message that you’d like to leave our listeners with? _____   Dan Crum There is a concept that we didn’t talk about called “WIN.” It stands for What Is Normal? If you want to have an immediate take-away to know if someone is lying to you, this is it.

Marriage Does Not Change Behavior

Marriage Does Not Change Behavior Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Bhuvansehwari Bhagat: It’s about who you are and what you’re looking for in a marriage. Based on your clinical experience, what recommendation would you make to single Indian women in choosing their life partners? Are there any particular suggestions you might make to women? _____   Bhuvaneshwari Bhagat You are asking about suggestions for single South Asian women?   Jasbina Ahluwalia Yes, women seeking their