[title size=”1″]Testimonials —> [Personal Matchmaking & Customized Search][/title]
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I have always had luck in finding great dates, but not in finding the elusive “one”…the right fit.
Through Jasbina’s guidance, I have learned to embrace all aspects of myself, and to start building a deeper connection with someone. While still early on in the process, I’m already seeing a dramatic difference in my approach/thought process and therefore (great) results!
Jasbina’s questions are very thought-provoking, introspective & insightful. She is diligent in every aspect- being coach when needed, or a friend, or a cheerleader. I’m so happy to have started on this journey to finding a life partner with her!
Thanks to Jasbina’s guidance, I am now, in less than 1 month (!!), in an exclusive relationship with the most wonderful guy. Every girl deserves to meet someone who makes them this happy :).
Not directly relationship-related but wanted to share a professional win with you!
Thought of sharing the win with you because I don’t think I would have had the guts / conviction if it hadn’t been for the wonderful & supportive relationship I am in. I know I didn’t “need” him in my life, but it has really brought out the best/most in me & continues to do so :)
You definitely have a magical talent for matchmaking!! It had been the happiest & most fulfilling year for me in all aspects.
I knew it was coming of course… but cake with the message, roses & champagne was soooo sweet & not expected!
Exactly 2 years from hiring Jasbina, I am a glowing newlywed! It has been such a whirlwind of happy change since Jasbina, & now my husband, have come into my life.
Forever grateful & the best catalyst for change I could have asked for!
~ Investor, Los Angeles (California)
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Intersections has changed my life. There was a woman I wanted to meet, who I thought was out of my reach i.e. Intelligent, beautiful and sweet. Jasbina was able to locate her – arrange an introduction – and advise me on how to get to know her… the rest is history as they say!
~ Entrepreneur, Chicago (Illinois)
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Before working with Intersections Match, my dating was non-existent. I never seemed to meet anyone on my own all too much.
The support Jasbina is giving me, including motivating me to do things I wouldn’t normally do, is what I like most about working with Intersections Match.
In addition to getting to meet new people, another benefit I’m getting is guidance from Jasbina.
I would definitely recommend anyone not getting the results they want in their personal life work with Intersections Match – it’s always good to hear from Jasbina and get good advice – she’s given me great advice and has corrected me with things (with women) I didn’t even know I was doing.
~ Entrepreneur & Real Estate Investor, SF Bay Area (California)
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Thanks for getting me going and the ongoing support… Makes you feel good…. I wish I would have done this before.
~ Healthcare Executive, Los Angeles (California)
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My main concern in retaining Intersections Match’s support was the financial investment.
What I like most about working with Jasbina is her personal involvement, personal touch, and personal attention to minute details.
Her ability to draw out my fears and help me to face them has also really helped me.
Jasbina and Intersections Match have also helped me maintain a positive attitude, helping me to look for the positive in every situation.
I would recommend anyone not getting the results they want in their personal life work with Jasbina and Intersections Match to get the personal support which has helped me.
I feel excited to finally be finding great guys with potential with all their help!!!
~ Physician, Florida
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Working with Jasbina gave me comfort and ease of mind. It took a lot of pressure from myself.
My initial main concern was getting comfort that Jasbina would understand what I am looking for and what specific traits are compatible with mine.
She helped me overcome this concern by listening and encouraging me to express my thoughts as well as her giving her honest opinions vs just saying anything I wanted to hear to just get my business.
It was a pleasure to work with Jasbina. I felt comfortable expressing my thoughts and she earned my trust, which allowed me to be open-minded and as a result less anxious about the whole journey.
~ Executive, Los Angeles (California)
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When I first started working with Jasbina I had practically no dating experience. I had lived my life up until that point thinking that finding a life partner is something that would not take any effort – that it is something that would just happen. However, with the approach of my 30th birthday, I was starting to feel the pressure – from my family and from myself. I decided that I would start dating with the hope of eventually finding a life partner, and that is when I heard about Intersections Match, and I decided to give the initial assessment a try.
In my initial assessment with Jasbina I found her questions to be thorough and detailed, leading me to think about myself in ways I had not thought of before. I was impressed by the depth of our discussion, and I was left with a sense that Jasbina was going to take the time to truly understand me and what I was looking for. This feeling of being understood is what gave me the confidence I needed to move forward and work with Jasbina.
During the period of introductions, online dating, and ‘getting myself out there’, my monthly dating coaching calls with Jasbina kept me sane. I would often feel stressed after discussing my dating life with my parents, friends, and family. However, discussions with Jasbina always left me with a strong feeling and positive outlook. Jasbina created an environment where I felt safe and comfortable discussing anything, and her advice was always extremely helpful.
After a year of working with Jasbina, she introduced me to the man who is now my husband. Working with Jasbina was special from start to end. I learned so much about myself through my interactions with Jasbina and throughout the whole dating process. Jasbina’s advice and support kept me strong. She was always there for me, no matter how minor the question. And I felt her passion for what she does in every interaction with her.
My husband makes me so immensely happy, and completes me in so many ways. Each day I am so grateful to have him in my life. Thank you so much, Jasbina, from the bottom of my heart.
~ Project Developer, Florida
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BTW, just a general shout out of appreciation for your efforts so far. Feels good to know I have you (and your team) in my court. :)
~ Executive, Philadelphia
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In a very thorough and scrutinizing effort to find the optimal resource to help me “get back out there” after my divorce, I sought a comprehensive program – one that would bring me high quality potentials, that would search far and wide across the nation for my life partner and one that would take a genuine interest in my likings/my desires/my dreams/what makes me tick/what makes me happy – in a nutshell – what truly and deeply defines me. In that process I came to a junction where I had to stop… a junction named Jasbina.
In Jasbina I have found everything I hold my standards to and more: Thorough attention to detail; Guidance and coaching of a wing woman who is also the support beneath my wings; An upbeat and ever positive attitude to keep me confident and proactive on this path; A true well wisher, not afraid to tell me what I need to hear if it will make me a better catch; A gentle nudge to keep my momentum going on this sometimes unpredictable road; And somebody who is not just invested in me but self-motivated, honest & dedicated enough to be vested in making my story a success.
Jasbina and I are still traveling my road together, stopping at important intersections, discussing directions for optimal future potential, really working as a team where she is a minute to minute constant in my high priority partner search.
I couldn’t imagine this journey without Jasbina & Intersections Match! I know one day soon I’ll look back at this juncture in my life & thank my lucky stars for this life-changing junction called Jasbina!!!
Thank You Jasbina & Intersections Match!
He calls me his girlfriend. We’ve had a few deep and meaningful conversations, with the most important one being this past weekend…Things feel great Jasbina, my heart is happy & my mind is calm…This is very well the first time I have been in love.
I’m not using my mind to justify how I “ought to feel.” It is a very novel feeling… Thank you for directing my path to this wonderful intersection Jasbina… Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the depths of my soul. Everyone deserves to feel love intertwined with contentment and that is exactly what I feel right now…
Hey Jasbina,
I wanted to give you the absolutely wonderful news that WE ARE MARRIED and I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER!!!
This relationship is everything I possibly could have imagined and more… That feeling of love intertwined with contentment has been taken to an even higher level!
I can depend upon him… This man wants to take care of me thru all life’s ups & downs. I don’t have to be anybody but myself. If I come home from a stressful day at work or if I feel exhausted with things going on in life, he has a ready joke to lighten the mood or a warm hug to help me relax. He is sensitive to what I am going thru. He wants to listen or offer advice if it will ease a situation or dilemma. He just wants to be where I’m at… Jasbina, until him the only person who cared about how my day went was my mom!
We work together… Cook together, clean together and relax together. We shop together and laugh together and it feels totally natural… We just flow together.
He is kind, caring, positive and optimistic. He is strong yet easy going. He makes me want to give my all and be my best… Not just for him, but in life. And most importantly, HE LOVES ME!!! This comfortable heartfelt truly deep love, that people say you will know when you experience it… Is real. My family and friends say they have never seen me this happy & relaxed.
Jasbina, when I embarked on this journey with you, and you gave me guidance and advice to make me strong and confident to seek the love of my life, I could not have fathomed that someone this perfect for me even existed. You still pop into my head at times, “What would Jasbina say to do?”
Thank you Jasbina, for being an amazing coach, an inspirational wingwoman, and a pivotal & positive force to help me create the perfect relationship… My heart felt and eternal gratitude to you, My Friend, for priming me and getting me ready to live the life I’ve been waiting for!!!
~ Physician, Dallas (Texas)
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I was meeting the wrong types of men for me and I was not communicating in a way that showed men that I am confident/independent. Also, I was not getting as many responses online as I am now because of the new photos Jasbina suggested I take.
I thought that online communications would remain the same, but with Jasbina’s coaching, I am now learning how to communicate with men more effectively online.
Jasbina is quick to answer all my questions and is ready to coach me when I need it whether it be on email or phone.
Most of the personalized matches Intersections Match found for me matched all of my requirements and matched my personality. I couldn’t have found better matches myself :).
I would recommend Intersections Match to a friend because he/she would learn how to communicate better with matches online and the introductions that are chosen would meet all expectations.
Thanks for all of your help. I wanted to let you know that I am getting married soon!
~ Physician, San Francisco Bay Area (California)
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Jasbina and her team are excellent in listening to what their clients are looking for and setting them up with the right matches, with good advice and a relaxed approach to finding the match you are looking for.
I am enjoying the process and am glad to be working with Jasbina in finding my match.
~ Entrepreneur, Canada
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My search and dating path was pretty haphazard before working with Intersections Match… I could only work with the men that approached me, and that group was not even close to comprised of men that I’m interested in, or who are interested in pursuing a serious relationship. That means there was a lot of sifting/rejecting/accepting and then realizing much later that we didn’t have the same goals.
My main concern that would have prevented me from retaining Intersections Match’s support was seeming mercenary in my search for a serious partner, and feeling unsure about the process in general because it doesn’t feel as “natural” as the more obvious ways (meeting someone organically and going from there).
The things I like the most about working with Intersections Match are: the quality of men I’m being introduced to; education levels, background, and outlook on family are not things you have to wait to ask about in an artistic way.
Another benefit of getting support from Intersections Match is learning about where men are really coming from! I thought I had some idea but there’s a lot more to it!
I would recommend that anyone not getting the results they want in their personal life work with Intersections Match because of the filtering process specifically. If the problem is that they’re not meeting men that are serious/don’t want to take the next step, or most men don’t rise to the levels of achievement they’re looking for, this approach has definitely addressed those concerns for me.
It feels weird at first but let Jasbina’s process work!
~ Law Student, Houston
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Jasbina. Don’t know what to say but you are really good.
You understand people really well and you have a real skill of putting that on paper. Thanks a lot. This is incredible!!
~ Entrepreneur, San Francisco (California)
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She seems fantastic!
She’s an incredibly intelligent, articulate, engaging, thoughtful, passionate woman with a lot of depth and character.
Thank you so much for making the introduction! We plan to speak again sometime during the week.
~ Entrepreneur, San Francisco (California)
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We have definitely come a long way from when we first starting speaking to now.
I’ve learned a lot of things along the way and obtained tools that have been very helpful and will continue to help me in the future.
You have been super helpful and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.
~ Software Engineer, San Francisco (California)
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Two acquaintances – young, smart, and successful professionals – got married after using Jasbina’s services. After hearing that, I contacted Jasbina myself. I thought she would tell me to be someone I am not. Instead she embraced who I truly am – and helped me show that side to others. She keeps me grounded as she guides me through the dating maze.
She’s there from start to finish, through the whole experience – making sure that I have someone to ask questions of and to ensure that I’m putting my best foot forward. Plus – she keeps the whole experience fun and positive!
I thought it was as simple as 1-2-3 – and it is – but the funny thing is that I had forgotten about a lot of the basics and thanks to Jasbina, I’m back on track. I have a lot of friends who give me their opinions in relation to what I should say or shouldn’t be doing when it comes to dating and meeting someone, but at the end of the day, I trust Jasbina’s opinion the most.
~ Consultant, New York City
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I have worked with Jasbina Ahluwalia, using her Intersections Match. I have enjoyed interacting with her, and her help in trying to find a match.
Her services are highly personalized for match making and will be tailor made according to what would work best for you.
It is more than just providing you introductions – It is navigating them, and seeing what can be done in one’s individual to help find their life goals.
I would recommend her to anyone, and the first step is talk to her and see where does it take you to.
~ Executive, Houston (Texas)
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My interaction with Jasbina has been immensely gratifying. Right from the early stages of understanding the dating process, to assuaging my fears of online dating and *putting myself out there*, Jasbina’s advice has been extremely insightful and productive.
Every step or approach suggested by Jasbina has been a step towards re-discovering the joy of self-understanding and interpreting what an individual is seeking in his or her quest for a partner for life.
I wish Jasbina and her team continue to conquer the world one couple at a time and in doing so, make the world a sweeter and more exuberant place to live.
~ Hi-tech professional, Boulder (Colorado)
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First of all, good job as a matchmaker!
I really feel like he was my kinda guy. Very intelligent, funny, lots of great stories, many interests. He was very charismatic and just a person with lots of good energy. I’m not sure if I’m his type of girl, but he was so polite, paid for everything, and was super engaging. Very present on our date.
I think we have lots of things in common and I’d like to explore this further if he is interested. I had a great time regardless!
Thanks for setting this up!
~ Entrepreneur, Houston (Texas)
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I was introduced to Jasbina through a mutual acquaintance soon after Jasbina started Intersections Matchmaking. I am an Indian physician, in my early 60’s divorced from a marriage to a non-Indian after 25 years. I tried to find a partner on my own using many internet matchmaking sites, including Shaadi.com.
My experiences in these websites was awful. Being a very successful professional, I was looking for someone who was a true partner, successful, open-minded, able to tread both the Western world while keeping some aspects of Indian background alive. I found instead, charlatans, all sorts of unsuitable characters, who seem to be after a financial payout than a relationship.
I needed to be “protected” from such an onslaught and needed someone who was intelligent, caring and a true listener who will understand both my emotional and worldly status and find a good partner. I found such a person in Jasbina and I am truly happy to be working with her. It’s been an interesting experience, but with Jasbina, I feel that I can eventually find the right partner for the rest of my life – an admiring Indian woman.
~ Physician, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
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