[VIDEO] Help! My Emotional Walls Are Keeping Me From Finding Love
As a dating coach and matchmaker, I can assure you that your experience is shared by many.
You sound like an introspective person. This quality will serve you well in finding and maintaining a great relationship. Why not make a list of all your other great qualities. If you get stuck, consider asking your loved ones.
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No TIME to Find Someone? We can HELP!
From your question, it sounds like your behavior may be manifesting from a fear of rejection. Consider shifting your focus from doing everything in your power to prevent any potential rejection to instead strengthening your sense of self-worth.
A strong sense of self allows you to risk emotional vulnerability without risking your self-worth.
Building intimacy in a relationship involves emotional vulnerability. There’s just no way to get around it. The two go hand in hand.
You can safely allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable once you believe at your core that you are strong enough to handle any outcomes.
Your power lies within.
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No TIME to Find Someone? We can HELP!
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