Impactful Online Dating Profile: 2 Tips

Jaki Sabourin asks Jasbina Ahluwalia: Let’s talk about the steps. What are the priorities?

Let’s talk about the profile and the steps that you recommend to start online dating.



Jasbina Ahluwalia 

Impactful Online Dating Profile: ‘A’ Game

If you’re going to take the action steps to online date, optimize the way that you’re doing it. That’s what makes sense.

Play your A game. Your personal life deserves no less than that.


Impactful Online Dating Profile: Importance

Your profile is very important. Commitment-minded guys are going to read the profiles.

I think there is a myth out there that guys are only going to look at the pictures and not read the profile.

If they are commitment-minded, they want to look under the hood as well.


Impactful Online Dating Profile: 2 Tips

  1. Appealing
  2. Authentic

We create profiles for our clients. The guiding mantra we use when creating profiles for our clients is “apealing and authentic.” 


Impactful Online Dating Profile: Authentic

Let’s first start with authentic.

You are presenting your unique self.

You are not going to do what a lot of people do online, which is stringing together generic adjectives and interests.

No. Bring on your unique self. That’s what I mean by “authentic.”


Impactful Online Dating Profile: Appealing

When it comes to being appealing, you are speaking to the opposite sex.

Sometimes I find that women tend to speak to their girlfriends in terms of their profile. That’s not their target market. Similarly, men create their perspective for men.

Our team is very sensitive to those nuances. We create profiles that are appealing to the opposite sex.

For the women who are listening, a guy should read your profile and have a sense of what it’s like to be with you.

Share anecdotes about who you are and the kind of guy you’re looking for. What do you foresee doing together?

These are the things that will draw in the guys that will be a good fit for you. It will also repel someone who is not. That saves both of you time.

You want to be appealing and authentic with your profile.


Tell Us:

What tips do you have from your experience in writing an impactful online dating profile? Drop us a line in the comments section below.


The above is an excerpt from Jaki Sabourin’s interview with Jasbina Ahluwalia

The entire interview transcript is at:
