Chai Chat: American Born Confused Dating
Relationships & the Young South Asian
NetIP (
) Annual Conference
August 31, 2008; Boston, USA
In a time of internet dating, bio-data, long distance relationships and everything in
between, what’s really the best way to find that special someone? What qualities truly
define a “good match”? After tying the knot and circling the fire, how do you make a
modern South Asian marriage work?
You’ve heard more than your share of traditional advice from your parents, dating tips
from your friends and modern research from the experts, but who actually know what’s
If you’re as confused as every other single South Asian out there, come share your
ideas and questions on this intriguing and ever-complicated topic. Hear what a trained
psychologist, experienced matchmaker and well-intentioned uncle have to say about
blending the best of eastern and western philosophies on dating, marriage and
Sample Discussion Questions:
Finding a Match
My criteria for whom I want to date is so specific (religion, community, family,
looks, income) that I never meet dateable men/women. What are the essential
qualities the right person?
Are people finding success in online dating? What are the successful people
What are the pros and cons of arranged marriages vs. marriage after dating?
What is the best advice for making a long distance relationship work?
How long should you date someone before making a commitment?
Do I need to live with someone to know for sure if we are compatible?
What are the most important questions to ask oneself before saying yes to a
What are the qualities that successful relationships have?
What does the opposite sex want, really?